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Employee Monitoring RTLS: Key to Efficiency & Safety

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Employee monitoring RTLS provides to collect data about their employees. This data provides instant insight into employee relations issues, so you can nip them in the bud before they cause damage. Powerful RTLS (Real-Time Location System) gives you up-to-the-minute information on employees’ locations, so you can quickly assess the situation and respond as needed.

With Employee Monitoring RTLS, you have the keys to efficiency and safety. You can be sure that, keeping your business safe and out of trouble. Want to learn more? Keep reading!

What is an Employee Monitoring RTLS?

As we said previous part, employee monitoring RTLS provides to collect data about their employees. This data can include everything from performance reviews to absences. By tracking employee relations, companies can identify problems, accidents early on. This allows them to take steps to improve company efficiency and safety.

For example, if a company notices that employee absences are increasing, they may decide to offer more flexible work hours. Or, if they see that employees are frequently filing complaints, they may offer additional training on company policies. By using an employee monitoring RTLS, companies can make well-informed decisions that improve the workplace for everyone.


How does it work?

Employee Monitoring RTLS can help companies to be more efficient and safer. By tracking the location of employees, companies can know where their personnel is at all times. This information can be used to optimize workflows and ensure that employees are working in safe areas.

Additionally, RTLS can be used to monitor company assets and inventory. This information can help managers to make informed decisions about company operations. Ultimately, employee monitoring RTLS can help to improve company efficiency and safety.

Let’s dive into the details of how it works.

Employee Monitoring


As the workplace continues to evolve, so too must the tools and technologies that we use to manage it. One of the most important areas in which this is true is in the realm of employee tracking.

Employee monitoring is a critical part of employee relations. A workplace that is safe and efficient is less likely to incur problems. Understanding the inner workings of how employees go about their tasks is the first thing to be done in order to set up a productive environment.

In production & manufacturing environments, it is essential to have a clear understanding of where employees are at all times. This helps to ensure that everyone is accounted for and that tasks are being completed efficiently.

One of the key benefits of using RTLS technology is that it can help to improve workplace efficiency. This is because it provides managers with visibility into where employees are and what they are doing at any given time. When it is company policy to require line workers to get supplies from another area – RTLS will be able to determine the frequency they are needed and how much you should stock up. Using the data can also paint a picture of where the choke points are in your production line.

This information can be used to adjust the way that tasks are assigned and completed. For example, if it is clear that one employee is consistently finishing tasks ahead of schedule, they can be given more responsibility.

On the other hand, if another employee is constantly lagging behind, they can be given more support or additional training.

In either case, having this information can help to improve workplace efficiency by ensuring that employees are working as effectively as possible.

Lone Worker Safety

lone worker safety - employee monitoring rtls

Lone worker safety is always a top priority for businesses and organizations. And with good reason – according to the US Department of Labor, there are over 2 million non-fatal workplace injuries every year, and nearly 5,000 workers are killed on the job.

But what about lone workers who don’t have anyone else around to help them in case of an accident or emergency? That’s where RTLS comes in your safety program.

This means that if a lone worker is injured or in trouble, their exact location can be quickly and easily determined, and help can be sent to them right away. When employees are aware that systems are in place to keep them safe, it’s easier for them to give their best efforts knowing they are going to be alright.

Litum RTLS Employee Monitoring: Key to Safety & Efficiency

Introducing Litum RTLS! Our product gives you the power to optimize your workplace based on indoor location intelligence. With Litum RTLS, you can control access zones, enforce occupancy limits, and monitor employee activity.

You’ll also be able to differentiate between value-added and non-value-added employee activities to make sure that everyone is productive. And with heatmaps and interaction reports, you’ll have all the data you need to make informed decisions about your workspace.

By using RTLS and relations case management software, employers can get a complete picture of what is happening in their workplace and make the necessary changes to improve efficiency, and productivity, and ensure workplace safety, especially for lone workers.

Our system works in indoor environments like healthcare or production facilities and even in outdoor environments like yards or construction sites. Tagged assets contain an active RFID connected to multiple receivers that operate Ultra WideBand (UWB) signals.

They are capable of communicating over a larger range of the radio frequency spectrum and it’s less likely to interfere with signals from mobile devices commonly carried by workers today. UWB is far superior to wi-fi access points and traditional Bluetooth RTLS allowing faster data transfer and reliable operations.

Interested in learning how Litum can help you with employee tracking and creating a safe workplace? 



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