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Automated Social Distancing Solutions without any Infrastructure Investment

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Social distancing is a critical part of our lives with the pandemic new rules of the world. Remote working is an option, but not for all, pandemic safety of employees working in the service industry and their contractors must be ensured. In large production facilities, businesses may need extensive solutions, but in daily routine, there is a practical & low-cost option for this: Tag-to-Tag Solution.


The pandemic has caused a massive change in how companies operate from having staff work at home to implementing social distancing rules and practices. Rather than slowing operations down, these new changes have shown just how creative and adaptable businesses are when faced with unexpected challenges.

Tracking technologies have proven invaluable to businesses and organizations that want to ensure social distancing in the workplace and between customers. Specifically, the use of tracking tags has allowed companies to enforce social distancing requirements without added security or staff hires purely for this purpose.

These small batteries powered tags use Ultra-Wideband (UWB) signals to monitor the distance between contractors, customers, or employees in a commercial space. If two or more individuals get within the minimum six-foot distance for social distancing, the tags send out sound alerts and/or vibrate until the contractors, customers, or employees back up to the appropriate distance.

It’s an elegant and inexpensive solution to the challenge of keeping people safe by ensuring social distancing requirements are met.

What is Ultra-Wideband and How Tag-to-Tag Solutions Offer Low-Cost Social Distancing Solutions

Tracking tags, like many other kinds of technology, send and receive signals using UWB radio frequencies. These frequencies are within a specific bandwidth that other technologies, like WLAN and ISM radio bands, don’t use, so businesses don’t have to worry about interference with pre-existing communications systems. In a nutshell, this business solution works with the basic location tracking logic of the technology we use in our smart devices. For example, the UWB frequencies Litum uses are within 6.25 — 6.75 GHz.

Even better, companies don’t need to invest a lot into paying for or setting up a complicated system when using tracking tags. An excellent option for temporary and short-term social situations, wearable tracking tags only require an investment in the tags and the embedded firmware.

These tags don’t require added hardware, like monitors or computer servers. Nor do they require oversight by other staff or managers. Tracking tags work independently with little to no input needed, which is highly beneficial for a company looking to increase pandemic safety without major budgetary impacts.

Standard Usage of Tracking Tags in a Business

Tag-to-tag solutions offer businesses an easy way to meet social distancing requirements. The devices are simple and don’t require a lot of training for anyone to use. Even contractors and customers who visit a commercial facility for a short period during the day can just grab a tag and go.

Tag-to-Tag Usage in the Workplace

When employees arrive for the workday, they can pick up a wearable tag at the front desk or security before entering the facility. Or tracking tags are handed out to staff for the long-term, for who is then responsible for using and keeping their tags powered up.

Staff members wear the tags during the day on lanyards or belt loop attachments to help them remain mindful of proper social distancing. At the end of the day, they can leave the tags in their offices or drop them off at a designated spot for sanitization and recharging, as needed.

Litum Tag-to-Tag solution helps your business to bring your employees back to work safely with its dependable, protective, compliant, and preventive benefits along with real-time monitoring technology.


Tag-to-Tag Usage in Retail Environments

Both staff members and customers can make use of tracking tags to maintain social distancing between each other and other staff or retail customers. For instance, a restaurant with outdoor seating may provide tags to all of its staff to ensure no one worker comes into close contact with another despite the hectic work environment.
In large business facilities, including such as production lines or any other, may need a comprehensive approach for their wide operations like Litum RTLS solutions. But in the retail environment, the Litum Tag-to-Tag solution is the perfect fit for keeping the environment safe and clean.

Where Can Tag-to-Tag Solutions be Enacted?

Almost any work environment can benefit from tag-to-tag social distance monitoring, but there are many other retail and consumer environments where this system can be implemented too:

  • Shopping Centers: Customers can pick up tracking tags to wear at the front entrance of the mall or shopping center to wear while inside the building. The customers drop their tags off at the exits when leaving.
  • Grocery Stores: A similar setup allows customers to pick up tracking tags at the entrance and drop them off when leaving. Employees can wear tags throughout the day to ensure proper social distancing from each other and customers.
  • Gyms: Members of the gym can pick up a tag at the front desk before using the facilities. Used tracking tags are dropped off at the desk for sanitization.
  • Transportation Spots/Areas: Bus terminals and train stations can ensure social distancing by giving tracking tags to passengers as they arrive. Tracking tags can even be worn onto the bus or train and dropped off at the destination.
  • Theme Parks: Amusement parks can hand out tags with ticket purchases so guests can maintain proper distancing while enjoying the facilities. Used tags are dropped off at the exits.
  • All-Inclusive Resorts: Guests receive their tracking tags at check-in with directions to wear them whenever outside their rooms. At the end of the visit, their tracking tags can be dropped off at the front desk.

Tag-to-Tag Versus Real-Time Location Systems

Businesses considering the implementation of tag-to-tag solutions should have a very clear understanding of what this technology can do. Tag-based systems are ideal for social distancing in any environment, but they don’t offer the added features of a real-time location system (RTLS) for companies. Of course, companies can always start with tag-to-tag solutions and upgrade to an RTLS at any time.

Consider the differences between each type of technology:

FeaturesRTLSTag-to-Tag Solutions
Data CommunicationUses a closed-loop system that communicates tag data to a computer serverUses tag-to-tag communication without saving data for later reference
AlertsReal-time social distancing alerts, congregation alerts, & the ability to create zone-specific rules for workplaceReal-time alerts to maintain social distancing
Reports & AnalysisTrack staff movements throughout the day for contact tracing reports; set up prioritized sanitization schedules for different zonesNo reports or analysis available
Training & SetupRequires installation of hardware, software, and staff trainingOnly need to purchase tracking tags with embedded firmware to set up the system; can start using the tags right away.
FrequenciesUWB or BLEUWB

Ensure Workplace Safety with Litum RTLS

At Litum, we work with businesses to meet any challenges that arise in maintaining staff, customer, or contractor safety and productivity with indoor tracking. Our team’s visionary perspective in product development and implementation allows Litum to remain flexible and valuable in a fast-changing world.

Our skilled consultants guide business clients in the selection of the appropriate tracking technologies to help them maintain pandemic safety requirements. As our tag-to-tag solutions have an especially low barrier for investment and training they are a premier choice for meeting social distancing requirements.

Whether the challenge is maintaining daily operations at a medium-to-large business in the industrial arena or assisting a retailer or gym owner in increasing customer safety, our technologies provide the solution. Those who are interested in learning more about our tag-to-tag solutions, reach out to Litum about improving pandemic safety through real-time tracking systems.



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