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A Step-by-Step Guide: Litum’s Infant Security RTLS

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Ensuring the safety of newborns is a top priority for hospitals, and Litum’s latest innovation in infant security aims to do just that. With the launch of an advanced Real-Time Location System (RTLS) for Infant Security, Litum has introduced the “Little Tag” – a small, wearable tag designed to enhance the protection of infants throughout their stay at healthcare facilities.

This blog outlines Litum’s infant security infographic to guide hospitals through the various steps of the system, showcasing how the technology works.

Here’s an overview of the key stages.

1. Mother and Infant Tagging

Upon admission to the maternity ward, mothers receive a Compact Tag, and after birth, infants are equipped with the Little Tag. These tags are designed to provide continuous tracking of the infant’s location within the hospital, ensuring that no unauthorized movement goes unnoticed. The Little Tag is hypoallergenic, waterproof, tamper-proof, and lightweight, making it comfortable and safe for newborns.

2. Infant-Mother Pairing to Prevent Mismatches

The second step involves pairing the mother’s and infant’s tags through Litum’s software. This pairing helps prevent mismatches by ensuring that only the correct mother can interact with her baby. The system provides seamless, real-time tracking of both mother and baby to eliminate any risk of mismatched identification.

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3. Unauthorized Removal Detection

To ensure the highest level of security, the system includes tamper protection features. If an infant’s tag is removed or tampered with, the system immediately triggers an alarm, alerting hospital staff. Additionally, if an unauthorized nurse or individual attempts to take the infant out of the secure area, an alert is sent to security personnel and guardians, ensuring quick response to any potential threats.

4. Transfers and Temporary Pairing

When infants need to be transferred to another department, Litum’s system provides temporary pairing with an authorized nurse who is also wearing a tag. This allows the infant and nurse to exit the maternity ward and move to another department without triggering alarms, ensuring seamless and secure transfers across the hospital.

5. Discharge Process

Before discharge, only an authorized nurse can remove the tag from the infant. The nurse must verify the identity of both the mother and the infant to unpair their tags, ensuring complete safety during the discharge process. The system also tracks time-limited transfers, alerting staff if the infant does not return to the maternity ward within a predefined period.

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6. Additional Features and Customization

Litum’s Infant Security RTLS offers advanced capabilities such as historical data tracking to identify patterns and prevent future incidents. The system also allows for customization of alerts and business rules based on specific facility needs. With LenelS2 OnGuard certification, the platform integrates seamlessly with existing security operations, enhancing overall hospital safety.

7. The Little Tag

The new Little Tag is at the heart of this advanced security solution. About the size of a half-dollar coin, it uses Ultra-Wideband (UWB) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technologies to provide precise location tracking and comprehensive security features. Whether tracking movement or monitoring security breaches, the Little Tag ensures that every infant is protected.

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Litum’s Infant Security RTLS, with the introduction of the Little Tag, provides hospitals with a robust, modern solution to protect newborns. This innovative system combines cutting-edge technology with user-friendly features, offering both safety and peace of mind for healthcare providers and families.

If you’re looking for a reliable, scalable solution to improve infant security in your facility, explore Litum’s RTLS and discover the power of real-time location tracking.

For more details, check out the full infographic or contact us at [email protected] for personalized information and guidance.


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