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Benefits Of Maintenance and Process Tracking RTLS

process tracking RTLS


Businesses are always searching for innovative ways to improve their operations and reduce costs. Recently, many businesses have turned to real-time location system (RTLS) solutions to help them achieve these goals.

But what are the benefits of RTLS technologies in maintenance and process tracking? How can businesses make sure they get the most out of them?

In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of process tracking RTLS and discuss how it’s solving some of the most common problems that businesses today experience.

The vast majority of these accidents could be help to prevent with proper training and safety measures. This is where a Forklift safety system comes in. 

What are process and maintenance tracking?

Process tracking is the process of monitoring a business process to ensure that it is compliant with initial requirements and is moving towards the desired outcome. It involves procedures and tasks to control performance and keep the process on track. Process tracking is an important tool for quality assurance and process improvement.

There are two types of process tracking: historical tracking and real-time tracking. Historical tracking is done after the process is complete and is done via audit process tracking. The people responsible for the job conduct audits and verify the actions taken in the past, focusing on who took the decision, what action was taken, and when. On the other hand, real-time process tracking is often implemented with the help of workflow tracking software. It shows the process live along with its updates.

There are many benefits of using process tracking, but some key benefits include:

  • Viewing the current and upcoming procedures related to a process
  • Making changes to ensure the intended results are accomplished
  • Optimizing the existing structure for higher performance and productivity
  • Tracking progress and identifying areas for improvement
  • Reducing costs by streamlining processes
  • Ensuring compliance with internal policies and external regulations.

Maintenance tracking is the process of capturing, securing, and updating data about your maintenance operations. With it, you can see what you have and what you need to do to keep everything running. For example, many organizations keep detailed asset lists and preventive maintenance schedules to ensure business operations continue to run smoothly and without delay.

Real-time location systems can help you gain a real-time view of your process, so you can review it and make the necessary adjustments. This can help you optimize your process, improve performance, and save time and money.

By using these systems, companies can help to ensure that their workers are safe from forklift-related accidents. 

Problems encountered in manufacturing facilities

Unplanned downtime

Several process tracking problems often occur in maintenance tracking. One of the most common is when an unexpected breakdown occurs and informal, quick actions are taken to address the issue. This can often lead to unplanned downtime, as the process was not anticipated or planned for properly.

Time management is a common problem in process tracking, but it is especially important to prioritize maintenance tasks. Maintenance tasks are often time-sensitive and can have a significant impact on production if they are not completed on time.

Some of the most common problems that employees and pedestrians on the operation floor face regarding forklift safety issues are as follows. 

Inaccuracy in manual entry

There are several common problems associated with maintenance tracking, most of which stem from the fact that it is often done manually. This can lead to inaccuracies in data, which can then impact the efficiency of both employees and machines. Additionally, manual processes are often time-consuming and labor-intensive, which can lead to frustration on the part of those responsible for carrying them out. Finally, when human beings are involved in any process there is always the potential for error.

In addition, there may be several safety measures already installed in most forklift trucks, but the operators take them for granted and end up causing accidents resulting in substantial manufacturing losses. 

Lack of productivity

One of the main challenges in supply chain management is how to increase productivity. Often, this means shifting from reactive maintenance to proactive maintenance. However, sometimes proactive maintenance is not implemented due to management decisions. In these cases, the manager can show real-world scenarios of where preventive maintenance would have been beneficial.

Why use RTLS in process and maintenance tracking?

Process Tracking RTLS

The process of tracking is the act of monitoring and recording the movements of people or objects. With the help of a real-time location system, you can use active or passive tags to receive the exact location data of a person or object. This information is then transmitted to a computer system which can be used to track the progress of people or assets throughout a facility.

If you are looking to improve your maintenance operations, RTLS technology is a key solution to consider. It offers many benefits that can have a positive impact on your business.

Time management

Process tracking RTLS can help with time management by allowing you to see where your process is in real-time, and identify any potential bottlenecks. This can help you make more efficient use of your time, and avoid wasting time on tasks that are not moving forward. In addition, a real-time locating system can also help you identify which tasks are taking longer than expected so that you can take steps to address the issue. Ultimately, an RTLS system can help you to improve the efficiency of your maintenance operations, and deliver better results.

Even if the forklift safety system is installed in a forklift, tracking it when it is switched off and the radios are also down isn’t easy. Shipments get delayed and paying clients begin losing trust in your services. 

Automated monitoring

In addition, process tracking RTLS can also help improve process accuracy as it eliminates the need for manual data entry. Automated data capture and process mapping reduce the chances of human error and ensure that process steps are carried out correctly.

More proactive maintenance

With process tracking RTLS in place, managers can see potential issues before they happen and take steps to prevent them. This shift from reactive to proactive maintenance can save a lot of time and money in the long run.

Better decision making

With complete visibility into your maintenance operations, you can make more informed decisions about scheduling, resourcing, and process improvement. This data-driven approach leads to more efficient use of time and resources, optimizing your operations for maximum productivity.

Start process improvements

RTLS can also help track process times more accurately, so that managers can identify bottlenecks and optimize processes accordingly, thus leading to faster turnaround times. In addition, process tracking RTLS can be a very beneficial tool in tracking the progress of maintenance tasks and preventing issues before they arise. This ultimately leads to increased productivity and efficiency.

By monitoring and adjusting the process as needed, process tracking can help improve the overall performance of the process. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and improved business results.

Litum – The best provider of maintenance and process tracking RTLS solutions

As anyone who has ever driven a car knows, collisions are a very real risk. The same is true for forklifts in warehouse and manufacturing environments. That’s why many RTLS (real-time location system) solutions now offer collision avoidance features. 

Proximity sensors are used to detect when a forklift is getting too close to another object. When a collision risk is detected, the system will generate an audio or visual warning to the operator. This gives them time to stop or take evasive action, potentially avoiding a costly accident. 

In some cases, the system may even automatically apply the brakes if it detects that a collision is imminent. By using proximity detection, collision avoidance systems can help to make warehouses and factories safer places to work. 

Litum: The leading provider of RTLS Forklift Solution 

There are plenty of benefits to maintaining this sort of process tracking, but they all tend to boil down to this: the more you know, the more you can control. And the more you can control, the fewer surprises you have to deal with. In other words, process tracking RTLS helps keep things running smoothly and efficiently by providing valuable data that can be used to make informed decisions.

Litum’s real-time tracking system helps you to track products throughout the manufacturing process, create alerts for products that fail tests, trace products through rework, and recognize each product. This allows you to manage rejects and products more effectively.

In addition, our process tracking system can be used to track equipment with status, calibration schedules, and repair records. This way, you can instantly identify assets that require immediate attention.

Our process tracking system is the perfect solution for your business to improve process management and efficiency. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!



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